Thursday, May 30, 2013


As I am in between moving apartments and having to down size (eek!) and coming into my own with decorations, I have decided to redecorate a little! I am obsessed with Pinterest and DIYs, even though I am not successful at most of them...I have decided to make this my new summer project!

I am in love with this shopping bag art! Ever since I have found this, I have been trying to remember which shopping bags I have saved at home that are still in a condition to be framed! I'm hoping to find as many as I can and frame them for above my bed. I was going to cover some canvases in Lilly fabric and hang them above my bed, but this could be another great option!! I'm just hoping I saved my Hermes bag or it will turn into a wall of Lilly bags and prints!!

And as much as I would love a closet like this to hang some fabulous bags in, I will settle for hanging them above my bed and can transfer them into a closet when the time comes.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Recipes to Try: Spinach

Being home for the weekend allowed me to stock up on some healthier options in bulk (my parents always seem to send me with more than I come home with, not that I am complaining). So here I am in my apartment trying to figure out what to do with two bags of spinach before it goes bad. & yes, I have already froze a lot, not that I know what to do with it then. But, here are some of the recipes I have tried today!!

Spinach Smoothie
Handfull of spinach
Half an apple
Tablespoon of peanut butter
Two strawberries
Vanilla yogurt
Dash of chocolate sauce
Directions: Blend together with ice

Spinach Salad
Iceberg lettuce
Goat cheese
Raspberry walnut dressing
Directions: toss and enjoy!

Sautéed Spinach with Pasta
Olive Oil
Salt and pepper for seasoning
Directions: heat olive oil and garlic together, add spinach and cook for three minutes or until wilted, mix in with the pasta of your choice

So it looks like I'll be on a heavy spinach diet for this week. Hopefully I can find more recipes to add some variety! Enjoy


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Natural Blondes

I heard a startling fact today while presenting some of my research at a research conference in Philadelphia: 

2% of the world's population is naturally blonde

I only find this shocking because it is such a low number!! Being a natural blonde and having one as a best friend had me believing that there are more of us out there. Obviously hair salons are doing a great job these days!!

I remember when I worked at a spa/salon in middle school that women would always, literally always, ask for my color. Being flattered, I would have to let them know that it is not possible since mine is all natural. However, with some research, I have found that not only is being "blonde" costly, but it does not have the best associations.

Five fun facts about being blonde:
1. In Greece, blonde hair was associated with prostitution
2. Greek dramatist Menander (342-291 B.C.) once wrote, “No chaste woman ought to make her hair yellow"
3. According to Dr. Tony Fallone (1997), being blonde is not a hair color, but a state of mind.
4. Princess Diana spent about $6,300 each year on having her hair bleached
5. Natural blonde celebrities include: Nick Carter, Dakota Fanning, Reese Witherspoon, and Ryan Phillippe

I add this quote from Marilyn because 1. she was not a natural blonde, but wore a blonde wig and refused to have other blondes on set with her, 2. because she is inspirational, and 3. I am really loving SMASH right now!! But she is right. It is better to be absolutely ridiculous and just be yourself than to be absolutely boring. So be yourself (blonde, brunette, red-head, etc.), because everyone is fabulously unique and different! Let's share our differences and never be boring.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to decorate a cubicle?

This is a dilemma I have been facing all week! Monday was the first day of my internship at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and this week has been such a great experience there! However, I am facing a bit of a problem in decorating my cubicle. Do I go all out in pink, green and navy or do I take a more subtle approach? The only thing I have decided is that it needs some happiness in the space of gray.

Little by little I have bringing in some of the items I currently have on my desk in my room in order to bring some light into my cubicle. (& I forgot to mention, it has my name on it! Psyched to say the least)

Accidentally, maybe not so accidentally, it has turned into a Parisian theme. (Click here for my favorite Paris items and some inspiration, I actually have that picture framed next to my computer already).

So far, I have a Paris calendar hanging above my computer, a picture of the Eiffel Tower next to my computer, a pen holder and some post-it notes. HELP! I don't want to go over board with pictures of my family and friends so I am working on bringing only a few of my favorites in. But, there is just so much space to fill and I don't want it to be too over the top as to stay in the same line as some of the other full-time employees. I am currently thinking an inspirational quote board/collage.....

Here are some of my current inspirations that may not be so practical, but I can adapt:

For the more artsy worker:

This just happens to match my apartment:

 And this is my dream:

So these have a bit more of a modern feel rather than Parisian, but I'm working to find some balance. I'll post next week when it's finished!!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break Glow

Here is a post for those of us who did not go on Spring Break to somewhere tropical and still want that Spring Break glow! Let's be real, everyone looks better with a tan. It's just the truth. Although I am HIGHLY opposed to tanning beds, I do support at home tanners! (& for those of you actually in the sun for Spring Break, please wear sunscreen!!) Also, Lilly's look the best with a tan! I was planning on wearing my Marisa pink seersucker dress for Easter Sunday and would either a. have to tan, or b. have to change because it'll be cold. We'll see!!

If I know I'll be wearing a dress/skirt in the next few days, I'll use Jergens Natural Glow every night before I go to bed. It is supposed to make you up to three shades darker!!

However, for a quick fix, definitely use the Sally Hansen air brush legs. I haven't had the courage to spend over $10 at CVS for this when I know I have a few bottles of the Natural Glow, but I might need to now that everyone will be coming back from Florida tan and I will be the pale girl out in pictures. & an added bonus, it has a slight shimmer :)

For bronzer let me start off by saying that I am not a make up gal. I use basically the same make up routine from MIDDLE SCHOOL. For real. But that'll be for another day. However, I did recently purchase the Bare Minerals bronzer and have fallen in love! I love the Bare Minerals product line and love looking like I have a healthy glow on a gloomy day in the city. This is definitely worth they buy!!

A safe, happy, and tan Spring Break (and first week back) to everyone!!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Closet Cleaning

So I am on Spring Break right now wishing I was somewhere tropical!! Instead, I am in the Northeast trying to get some practical chores done at home before starting my internship on Monday. Today's task: cleaning out my closet!

I absolutely hate throwing away anything in my closet! My thought is always that one day in the future I'm going to have an occasion where I will have one perfect shirt for that I haven't worn in a while and that is when it will make it's come back!! However, I can't remember a time when this has ever happened.....

So, I have found a phenomenal tip for cleaning out your closet!!

Turn all of your hangers backwards (aka. whatever way they are now, turn them the other way). & every time you wear something, turn the hanger back to the correct way! That way, when you go to clean out your closet in six months you can see what you haven't worn (and probably won't wear again). This can also help if you are worried about repeating an outfit, just wear something that isn't going the right way yet!

(Note: this is not my closet, but I would LOVE it to be)

I am definitely going to try this tip. Good luck with the rest of Spring cleaning and get ready for warmer weather and some sunshine! :)


Monday, March 25, 2013

Business Casual: Spring/Summer

I have been searching for cute and affordable business casual clothes to wear in the spring and summer for months now! I have realized that I am much better at fall/winter business casual with fall being my favorite season. However, with my internship (with CHOP!!) starting in a few weeks, I had to go back to the basics. Even though I have held summer jobs for about ever, they included a bathing suit for lifeguarding and denim for retail.

So, all weekend I was hunting for the best deals since I would be creating basically a whole new spring/summer wardrobe! I budgeted to incorporate some new pieces into the basics I already have collected over the years.

And just for another detail to take into consideration, I have curves. It is so hard to find pants that fit my small waist (size 2) and my hips (size 6/8). Jeans are hard enough to find, but chinos?! Basically impossible.

Here are some of the great deals I got this weekend that even work for women with curves!

(currently on sale, $25)

(currently on sale, $25)

(30% off: SPRINGTOIT)

(currently on sale, $18!!)

(currently on sale, $40 online, $25 outlet)
(15% off: GAPGIFT)

You could say I had a successful weekend!! Outlet shopping is my favorite with all of the great savings for good brands. I also picked up THREE gingham shirts (I am a bit obsessed with gingham) from J. Crew, but then I realized that you could find very similar shirts and colors at Gap Factory Outlet or Old Navy for less than $20! Style steals are my favorite!! Happy spring cleaning and spring shopping :)


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Oh the places you will go

With today being the second day of spring, my second day of spring break, and having some snow on the ground, I am dreaming of travel! There is nothing I love more than travel (when the funds will allow).

For winter break, I went down to Argentina (aka their summer during our winter) and just want to keep the travel bug going!! Literally, I check flights to St. Croix DAILY, well, a few times daily.....

So here are some of my favorite plane outfits!! It's always so hard finding an outfit for the airplane. You never know who you may see or meet in an airport! My best friend did her own little study to show that looking your best in the airport is a good thing! Wearing a tight Lilly, someone asks her to get a drink before the flight. In a casual outfit, nothing. I tend to be more on the casual side, but at least it's better than sweatpants!

Oh the places you will go

1) I love colored denim!! Pair it with a navy blazer and a navy bag to slowly get out of the black funk of winter (all of my winter clothes are black...). And for the daring, pair it with wedges for a super sleek look, and now you can save room in your bag by wearing the wedges!

2) I could live everyday in my white Polo button down, literally. I have so many outfits for it and bring it everywhere I go. It is year round and can be transformed into a spring look tucked into a casual high waited skirt of any color! I love it with the navy for right now! And let's talk about how much I LOVE those shoes! Bows, patent leather, multiple colors? I will be purchasing every pair of these for the season!

3) This is my go to everything outfit, especially on the plane. I live in straight leg jeans and a v-neck cable knit sweater. Throw a polo pop underneath if you need to take it off at your destination (aka if you're going somewhere warm). Pair it all with a pair of flats and a fun bag and you're ready to go anywhere!!

Have a safe, warm, happy, & healthy Spring travels!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

5 easy ways to relieve stress

With finals right around the corner and so many papers, projects and presentations coming up I feel like all I do is complain. My roommates are probably fed up with me talking about my work load. But, I am trying to find the little things in life and not to sweat the small stuff (this is a really hard concept for me since I am very type-a). 

There are no "quick fixes" to stress, because the stressor is probably still there. However, it can be helpful to take breaks and find some ways to relieve stress other than complaining. Here are five easy ways to relieve stress that you can do at home:

5 easy was to relieve stress

1) Make a cup of coffee or tea | I am quite partial to coffee, but a cup of peppermint tea will always do the trick! Just sitting on the couch watching television or reading a book for about thirty minutes. Take that half hour to unwind and regroup.

2) Indulge in something sweet | Let's be honest, I love cupcakes. Except I cut the bottom off of cupcakes and put it on the top to make it a cupcake sandwich. Sometimes I really just need a kick of sugar to enjoy and to put me back to work.

3) Paint your nails | I have acrylic nails, so I don't paint my nails myself a lot. But, when I do it's just a nice feeling to have perfect, fun nails! Pinks are always my favorite, especially for the spring and summer.

4) Make a to-do list | I am OBSESSED with to-do lists. I have a different list for each class, for work, for life, and a master to-do list for everything. It's a little Type A obsessive, but it does help to plan out work for the week and make sure that everything is getting accomplished on time.

5) Light a few candles | I don't do this as often as I should. I love lighting candles and it provides the best aroma for studying. My favorite are the Christmas cranberry scents, but you can never go wrong with anything vanilla.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Obsessions

Over the weekend, Philadelphia had a wonderful taste of the spring weather to come!! Except now I am sitting in my apartment bundled in my favorite Stone Harbor rugby shirt procrastinating writing a paper on child psychopathology.

Is Spring too much to ask for?! Why can't it be throw on my favorite J Crew shorts, button down, Sperry's, and hat weather? Or Lilly and wedges weather? And is it too much to ask for for bikini, beach blanket, and summer nights weather?

So here's to Spring, warmer weather, Lilly dresses, jean shorts, wedges, bright colors and the sun!

Spring Obsessions

Let's talk about how much I love Ray-Bans but am afraid of purchasing a pair and have them end up like the rest of my sunglasses (at the bottom of my purse scratched). And those wedges are from Target! I just bought them in nude and cannot wait to go between those and some Tory sandals. And you can't go wrong with some Vineyard Vines and C. Wonder accessories. C. Wonder could be one of my new favorite stores since I went to their opening in King of Prussia!! 

I can honestly say that my closet is a bit lacking this year (especially now that I will be going on co-op soon and need a constant supply of CHOP appropriate clothes). It's a good thing there is a shopping trip planned for the future and the promise of Spring!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Five Facts About Me!

We all have our secrets, and sometimes we are open books. But have you ever stopped and assessed the subtleties in your life? They are what make us all so unique. Here are five things I have come up with about myself that most people don't know about me! Enjoy :)

1. I only wear Polo Argyle socks
2. My hair is naturally blonde
3. I don't like chocolate cake (or cupcakes)
4. My family was a Nielsen Family
5. My favorite season is Fall


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Everyday can be "Monday"

"I'll start going to the gym on Monday," "I'll start that diet on Monday," "on Monday....."

We've all been there. Pushing off the little things until the hypothetical "Monday." However, I always find myself saying something will happen or start on Monday, and then I forget about it. Typical.

So, here's to making everyday that hypothetical "Monday"!!

TODAY, start that diet, start that exercise, start a new book, take up a new hobby. Make today the first of something! Weeks actually start on Sunday's anyways, so why not start this new journey on a Wednesday?!

My "Monday" is going vegan for the next two weeks! My best friend has been vegan for about ten months now and cannot help but rave about how good it feels to cut out chemicals and animal products. This also helps because I am lactose intolerant and really shouldn't be eating dairy anyways....but cheese is just too good!! I'm probably 80% vegan already. However, I want to show commitment, kick start my new and improved "healthy" plan, and maybe even treat this as a little cleanse for spring break (even though I have no tropical plans for that). The hardest part will be not eating eggs for breakfast and sprinkling cheese on meals!! I think it's possible though! Wish me luck through this new "Monday" start (on a Wednesday)!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ten Minute Morning

So, I woke up to one of those rainy, I just don't want to get out of bed days. And then I didn't get out of bed until the very last moment and had to rush to get ready for my day full of classes and meetings and a lunch date. This is usually the time when I grab the "go to"outfit, which are a little too casual for meetings and lunch. So, here are some ideas of some basic outfits you can throw on and look polished all day!

Ten Minute Morning

1. I am currently wearing black skinny jeans, nude flats, a chambray shirt, a Lilly infinity scarf, my Michele watch and monogrammed necklace! Even though I had MAYBE fifteen minutes to get ready today, I feel confident and polished in the casual look. And for the rain, throw on some Hunter rain boots to combat the dreary day!

2. This is more of a formal fall look. Even though spring is fast approaching, I still love to throw on a cozy plaid shirt and be done. Dress it up by tucking in the shirt with a brown belt, pearls, dark skinny jeans and brown boots for a put together look that looks like you spend a lot of time thinking about! Maybe this will be my tomorrow look :)


Monday, February 25, 2013


So it's Monday of week eight in my ten week term. Basically, I have two exams, two quizzes, three final projects, two final exams, and two fundraisers standing between me and spring break. However, all that work needs to get done in the next two weeks!! I am super stressed to say the least.

When I get stressed (around the same time each term), I struggle to combat it. This week and last, I have been trying to take some time to NOT do all of the above work (crazy, I know), and take some time just for myself. I suggest you do the same! & Check out some foods to fight stress too :)

Dark Chocolate | Chamomile Tea
 Milk (Almond Milk for me)
Salmon | Walnuts | Spinach
Sunflower Seeds | Blueberries

I have been drinking much more tea, I find it so relaxing and love to curl up before bed with a cup of sleepy tea and a book. I read every night and it seems to be helpful and nice right before bed. I know that if I didn't my psychology books would be the only things I read. Also, get some SLEEP! I wish I could say that I sleep eight hours per night, but I try to when I get this stressed. And finally, I set aside three times per week to go to the gym for an hour. It takes a lot for me to get there, but afterwords I always feel better and am ready to get some work done!
How do you like to relieve stress?


Sunday, February 24, 2013

What to Wear: Philanthropy

I don't see it as a coincidence that I am a Delta Zeta; it was more of fate (not to sound corny, anyone in a sorority knows that they are where they belong). But, our philanthropy is supporting children with speech and hearing impairments. Fun fact: I have been diagnosed with a hearing impairment since age two. So, I really take Delta Zeta's philanthropy to heart.

Today, we are having an event with Build-a-Bear where my sisters and I are making bears and adding plush hearing aids to them. I know that when I was advised to get a hearing aid in elementary school I was freaked out and said no!! It's important for kids to know that it's not a huge deal and that they deserve the same opportunities as everyone else!

Dressing for events like this sounds easy, just throw on letters and go! But, pictures will be taken (maybe you'll be seen in next years recruitment video) and you will want to look your best, even in letters.

What to Wear: Philanthropy

I always start with dark denim and either flats or boots, depending on the weather. Tory Burch and Steve Madden are some of my favorite shoe options! My favorite letters are on American Apparel v-neck shirts, one size too big for the comfort level. Feeling too casual in just a t-shirt (or maybe it's a little chilly), throw on a blazer, a cross body bag, and a scarf and look polished and perfect for any philanthropy event!!


Friday, February 22, 2013

OOTD: Friday, Feb. 22

You know it's been a rough week when you use all of your "go to" outfits and by Friday your option is a sweatshirt and jeans. I have to admit that for my first class I did rock an old college hoodie, jeans, and boots. However, in my break for brunch, I decided to embrace the chilly day with some style (and maybe put together a new "go to" look).

This is the part where I stand in front of my closet waiting for an outfit to jump out at me.

OOTD: Friday, Feb. 22, 2013

& here's what I came up with: I obviously started with my favorite absolute favorite J Brand jeans. The straight leg and high rise is the most flattering for those blessed with curves. From there, I threw on a navy striped sweater and was quite bored (I wear it a lot). So to spice it up, I put a red polo under it!! Pair it all with cheetah smoking slippers and some fun gold bangles and be set. Now I can feel confident at my lunch date as well as through the rest of the day!

Other options if you don't have this exact concept sitting in your closet: pair any color polo with a slightly oversized stripe sweater. You can also wear brown boots instead of smoking slippers. Lastly, trade out the cross-body bag for something larger (like a Longchamp) if you're heading to class or a meeting where you need to store your laptop!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Lilly White Dress

I am a sucker for anything Lilly Pulitzer. With their new line of white dress, I have fallen in love with ALL of them! I have been searching for a white dress for about a year now and have not been pleased. My mom bought me one and Target that has been doable for white events, but it's not my style.

This could be my favorite Lilly ever, which is saying a lot since I have been wearing Lilly my whole life. There is just something so classic, polished, and perfect in the Posey dress. Pair it with nude wedges and a fun belt and it can go from classic white to garden party!

Another option, the Lilly Sandrine dress. This neckline is one of my favorites for Lilly and the back is a surprise in itself! Also, who doesn't love the scalloped hem?! This is truly Lilly perfection.

A different feel to the other two white dresses, the Lilly Marta dress is perfect for any white dress occasion. I am a sucker for the sleeves and the oh-so flattering neckline. And add a colorful belt with fun bangles to take it from garden party to drinks with friends!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What's in my bag: Classroom Edition

These types of posts always seem to be my favorite! (I'm really nosy and love to know what other people keep in their bag). So I thought I would put together what I commonly carry in my tote for a day of classes! Today I happen to be in class and in meetings from ten in the morning until seven tonight. For days like this, I like to carry around all the necessities for any "OMG" moments!

What's in my bag: Classroom Edition

Longchamp: I always carry around either my graphite or bilberry Longchamp large tote. It is large enough to hold everything I need throughout the day and looks so chic. And on the days I need a little more room or support, I carry around Lilly Pulitzer's original tote in the Delta Zeta sorority print!

Macbook Pro: Literally, I never leave my apartment without my computer. I take all my notes and make so many to-do lists throughout the day that I need to have this constantly on my body (with the charger as well).

Laura Mercier Lipgloss: I received this nude gloss as a gift over the holidays and always have it with me for some quick fix beauty. I don't use lipgloss or lipstick every single day, but sometimes you need a bit more shine than the eos gives. It's the perfect amount of glamour.

Brita Water Bottle: When I went to Argentina in September, I invested in a Brita Water Bottle so I would always be drinking clean water (I did NOT want food poisoning). This has kept me hydrated throughout the day and I can refill at any hydration station on campus!

Tory Burch Wallet: This is one of my favorites and is so easy to fit everything in and take out for a quick coffee down the street instead of bringing the whole tote!

Eos: I ALWAYS have chap stick and moisturizer with me, especially in the winter. I used to be obsessed with burt's bees, but have recently switched to eos and have fallen in love with all the different flavors.

Tissues: You never know when you're going to need something better than a napkin or paper towel, especially this cold winter.

Pencils, Sharpies, Pens: Some classes do not allow you to use technology to take notes, so I always keep a supply of pencils, sharpies, pens and highlighters on me just in case!

Lilly Agenda: This is a necessity, really. I have so many to-do lists and plans penciled in my Lilly agenda; I could not live without this one. You will realize how important this is for life, I promise this is worth the money.

iPhone: I have to throw my iPhone on here (with my Tory Burch case). I would be lying if I said I couldn't live without my iPhone; it's an addiction.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Obsessed: Alex and Ani

My aunt recently moved to Providence, Rhode Island; this is where I discovered my love for Alex and Ani! While shopping around in Newport after having dinner at the Black Pearl, we found Alex and Ani (everyone had on the bangles). I instantly fell in love; I have a bangle obsession.

Each bangle is expandable, so it can fit anyone!! And, they're affordable enough to collect! These are the five that I have and love to mix with a black and gold watch. I also have a little obsession with mixing silver and gold...

Fleur de Lis: Traditionally used to represent French Royalty, the Fleur de Lis is a symbol of perfection, enlightenment, and life. The three petals are associated with the protection of the Holy Trinity. Wear the French Royalty Bangle as a representation of your faith in the changes and regeneration of life.

Delta Zeta: Women are bonded in the deep, mysterious ways of nature. Intuitive and open hearted, they keep the Earthly balance that comes with consistently nurturing loved ones. Committed to tradition and upholding the spirit of philanthropy, sorority sisters are lifelong friends that ignite positive change.

Birthstone: October, known as the love stone, allows the wearer to continually give affect and express adoration, Wear the Rose birthstone to motivate kindness, forgiveness, and compassion.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Travel: Paris

Paris, France is my favorite city in the whole world. If I knew French, I would want to live there! However, my mom recently bought a learn French in ten days car CD and every time they asked to go from English to French, I would repeat in Spanish. Looks like I'll be tackling the world one language at a time!! (It's a good thing I recently went to South America!!)

Taking a trip down memory lane, it's been three and a half years since I have been in Paris. I was only there for a long weekend during my month abroad, but it has left such a lasting impact that is indescribable. I am obsessed with everything dealing with the Eiffel Tower or Fleur de Lis. 

The reason for this trip down memory lane: my parents are currently in Paris right now for my mom's birthday!! I couldn't be happier (and a tad jealous). The photos they have been sending me are unreal and make me miss Paris more than anything. I met some of my best friends on that trip and we can still reminisce about napping in the gardens of the Palace of Versailles, having lunch in the park by the Eiffel Tower, climbing the Eiffel Tower, spending ALL day in the Louvre, etc. 

So I'm sharing some favorites I have that has brought Paris to Pennsylvania!! I have this photo framed in so many locations (on my desk, on my book shelf, in a scrapbook, and in a collage). Along with that, I have a small Eiffel Tower on my desk and Eiffel Tower pillows and the Eiffel Tower Tiffany's charm. However, I really need these Eiffel Tower place card holders (only $12 at Target!). And my Fleur de Lis obsession is just the same. I recently got a Fleur de Lis bangle from Alex and Ani to go with Fleur de Lis book ends. I have even thought about getting the Fleur de Lis tattooed on the back of my neck to symbolize perfection, enlightenment, and life. And the toile memo board will be my next purchase! It would go great with my red toile placemats! It's just natural for me to bring Paris with me everywhere; I'm obsessed.

Eiffel Tower Place Card Holders | Eiffel Tower Canvas 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wrap Snap & Go!

So for Valentine's Day I decided to try something different with my naturally wavy hair. I straighten it sometimes, but usually let it wave naturally. However, I have decided to embrace Valentine's Day with some real curls!

Note: my hair does not stay in curls. Curlers and curling irons do not work. I'm not even sure how many bottles of hair spray I used way back when for prom! It just doesn't work, and I like to pretend that it does.

However, I have been using Wrap Snap & Go! since I was in elementary school and never really got the hang of it. Up until recently I would try sleeping in them with wet hair, and my hair would still be wet the next morning and the curls would fall once my hair was dry.

Then, over the summer I attempted the Wrap Snap and Go! again, sleeping in them with dry hair and the next morning I had curls!! To get the desired look of naturally polished slightly curly hair I flipped my hair over and shook the majority of the curls out (they fell by lunch, I forgot the hair spray). So last night I tried again and was a bit more successful! Although, I sprayed the curls while still in the Wrap Snap & Go! coils and after I took the ringlets out, mistake! I should have shook the curls out to the desired style and then sprayed!! Oops!

Here are how the curls held up throughout the day! I still loved them and it was much easier than blowdrying my hair again or attempting any other sort of style, I just unraveled my curls!! Next time, I definitely recommend flipping your hair over and shaking the ringlets out before spraying hairspray in order to have a more "every day" type look. This was just a bit too fancy, but it's Valentine's Day and looking preppy and polished is never a bad thing.

Wrap Snap & Go! at Walgreens $10.99
Wrap Snap & Go! Tutorial Commercial


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bundle Up

Last winter, I was lucky enough to not have to buy a new winter coat for my new lifestyle in Philadelphia. I was sliding by on pea coats and rain coats! However, this winter has been and still is freezing!! Last weekend it snowed!! Basically, I can't stress enough the need for a nice winter coat. Whether you're walking to class or walking to the gym, you need to be warm while still locking polished and put together.

For Christmas I got this coat from Land's End and could not be happier! I struggled and struggled on the color (going between black and this evergreen forest). However, I have a black pea coat, a black North Face, two black dress coats, and a number of black sweatshirts; it was time for some color in my wardrobe other than my tan trench coat (also from Land's End). And let me say, it paid off! I wear this coat every day and get at least one compliment per day on my coat!! I could be wearing my pajamas underneath and no one would know since the coat looks so polished alone, and even more so with a scarf!! Also, not only can the hood be taken off, but the fur lining and the belt come off as well (not sure why you would take the belt off though).

And I forgot to mention, it is currently on sale!! Check it out here!!

Wondering what to wear with this fabulous winter piece? Check out some of my favorites below for some inspiration! :)


Monday, February 11, 2013

Dinner Deal: Valentine's Edition

As if we all don't know, this Thursday is Valentine's Day. February 14th does not have to be "single awareness day." This Hallmark holiday is supposed to represent love and reminding your loved ones that they are loved. In celebration of love, I recommend you wear red or pink, pick up some conversation hearts, and celebrate with the people you love! Here are some good celebration ideas:

With your girlfriends, Galentine's Day:
Gather your closest friends and spend time with them on this regular Thursday night. Go out for happy hour, have a themed dessert party (the theme being pink champagne!), or get take-out and rent a feel good movie. To take it to the next level, go to CVS and get some cute Valentine's Day cards you used to give out in elementary school and attach one to a bottle of wine for a great hostess gift! Make it a great girls night!

With your special someone, date night:
Get dressed up, throw on some red lipstick, and hit the town! Date night can be anything from a local coffee shop to your dining hall with some candles to a fancy dinner in Center City. Make it even more special, choose some where neither of you have been before! It's always fun to try new food and make new memories :) 

The Deal of the Day:
Stumbling around Google and Facebook today led me to this fantastic date deal! $35 for $100 worth of dining credits and two movie tickets! It's the best dinner and a movie deal I have ever heard of. Whether you're going with your best friend or boy friend, this deal is worth it. 

Final note: if you are planning on going out this Thursday, make reservations today!! In a Zagat survey, 44% of respondents stated that they plan on eating out this Valentine's Day. Don't forget to make reservations today to be one of the 44%! 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Go Red

With February being "Go Red for Women" for heart disease (the number one killer for women) and Valentine's Day in the middle of the month (this week, eek!!) it can be hard to fit reds and pinks into a winter wardrobe! During the winter I strictly stick to black and neutrals, which is odd since I only wear bright colors and Lilly during the summer. However, today I have decided to embrace color in small ways. If retail stores can start selling their spring line, then I can start wearing brighter colors!

Another perk of wearing red, Macy's will give you 20% off of your purchase! I recently bought brown riding boots and surprisingly got 20% off for wearing a red vest! I took this as a sign the I need to start breaking out the pinks and reds, even if it's just in accessories.

go red

Nail polish is the easiest way to add a pop of color to any outfit!! OPI has always been my favorite with the quirky polish names! Today I have on The Trill of Brazil; yesterday was You're a Pisa Work. The best part about nail polish, it can be changed daily!! And I know I always feel better after a mani/pedi. Just like nail polish, jewelry is a versatile statement that goes great with black!! Before you leave the house, throw on some red and gold bangles or a statement necklace with that great LBD and some red lipstick and you'll be ready to go for any occasion in February. 

Last but not least, let's talk about monograms. I can never pass up a good monogram and C. Wonder has become my latest obsession since the grand opening in King of Prussia. Everything is so perfect, polished, and preppy that I just can't say no!! This clutch is the perfect size, a great pop of color, and since it's only one letter you can make it your first or last name! It's just too perfect to pass up this month. Go Red!!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gym: C25k

I have never been able to keep resolutions for very long. However, it has taken me about a month to stay true to the "I'm going to go to the gym more" new years resolution. I've learned that the ONLY way I will go to the gym is if I put it in my google calendar and planner. You need to be accountable for going to the gym just as you would be accountable going to class. From this, I have set aside four days per week to go to the gym.

Going to the gym is just my yearly new years goal, but it will help check some things off my bucket list! I have never ever been an athlete. Really, I was a swimmer and then a dancer. Running has never been my "thing"; my family actually makes fun of me when I try to run. So, this has brought me to wanting to run a 5k. In grade school and middle school we had to run a mile in gym, this was the extent of my running. But now, I am determined to run a 5k!!

In the beginning of February, I downloaded the C25k app (couch to 5k). I mean, if there were ever a program to get me running, that would be the one. In the past week it has actually been working! Now I just need to keep up with it for the next seven weeks. My best friend is the biggest motivator since she is doing it as well. It really is so much easier to go to the gym when someone else is motivating you to.

Gym: C25k

So here is a typical gym outfit for me. You always have to look good, even when it's at the gym and you don't think you could ever look cute. (Attention: cute guys like to work out and will most definitely be at the gym). You can never go wrong in a nice pair of yoga pants. I get mine from Nike or Old Navy has comparable and affordable options! Being curvy, I do not think that shorts are the most flattering, no matter how many pairs of monogramed norts I buy. Yoga pants or the capris are the best option for staying comfortable and looking good. 

Accessories are a must at the gym. Essentials include: your iPhone (or iPod), a cute water bottle (I am obsessed with the Lilly tumbler or my monogramed sorority tumbler), and a hat (you never know when you want to hide your hair while still looking presentable and preppy). I tend to throw everything in my Longchamp including some chapstick, which you should never be without. And please do not fret about makeup! I know leaving the house without it can be scary and I do not recommend heavy eye make up for the gym. However, BareMinerals is light and gives a completely natural look. I mean, I go to the gym to feel better and to stay healthy all while still looking presentable and polished.
