Thursday, May 30, 2013


As I am in between moving apartments and having to down size (eek!) and coming into my own with decorations, I have decided to redecorate a little! I am obsessed with Pinterest and DIYs, even though I am not successful at most of them...I have decided to make this my new summer project!

I am in love with this shopping bag art! Ever since I have found this, I have been trying to remember which shopping bags I have saved at home that are still in a condition to be framed! I'm hoping to find as many as I can and frame them for above my bed. I was going to cover some canvases in Lilly fabric and hang them above my bed, but this could be another great option!! I'm just hoping I saved my Hermes bag or it will turn into a wall of Lilly bags and prints!!

And as much as I would love a closet like this to hang some fabulous bags in, I will settle for hanging them above my bed and can transfer them into a closet when the time comes.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Recipes to Try: Spinach

Being home for the weekend allowed me to stock up on some healthier options in bulk (my parents always seem to send me with more than I come home with, not that I am complaining). So here I am in my apartment trying to figure out what to do with two bags of spinach before it goes bad. & yes, I have already froze a lot, not that I know what to do with it then. But, here are some of the recipes I have tried today!!

Spinach Smoothie
Handfull of spinach
Half an apple
Tablespoon of peanut butter
Two strawberries
Vanilla yogurt
Dash of chocolate sauce
Directions: Blend together with ice

Spinach Salad
Iceberg lettuce
Goat cheese
Raspberry walnut dressing
Directions: toss and enjoy!

Sautéed Spinach with Pasta
Olive Oil
Salt and pepper for seasoning
Directions: heat olive oil and garlic together, add spinach and cook for three minutes or until wilted, mix in with the pasta of your choice

So it looks like I'll be on a heavy spinach diet for this week. Hopefully I can find more recipes to add some variety! Enjoy
